Hmm, I'm not quite sure what to write in this journal. I've never been one to record my thoughts. Oh well, new experiences are always a good thing I suppose. At least I can talk to everyone and ask how they are, even when we can't speak face to face.
Let's see...I managed to finish my Potions essay at least. That'll give me more time to look up all this stuff for Transfigurations. I wouldn't want to stay up too late and disturb the other girls in the dorm when I come in to go to sleep.
Oh dear, I better return these books before the library closes today as well.
A letter from father came today. There's no change, not that I'd expect anything. Everyone's well, and that's good, right? Well, not everyone...
Still...I hope you're okay big brother...I miss you.
[OOC: Introing Tsubaki! <3 I will be going to work soon, so bit of a placeholder, and will tag tonight or tomorrow (Should warn everyone upfront I'm 5-8 hrs ahead of most players time wise, which will explain my odd rp times. ^^;). The private part is quite hard to hack, because she wants to keep the family business secret. Details of why are in her profile if you want to look. If it ever comes to light, it will be through a lot of plotting or confiding in friends she really trusts, so I would appreciate discussion with me before your character tries reading it. Thank you all!~]