Dearest Flist -
As you may have noticed, I have now
posted the solution to Ye Olde Arthurian Crossworde on A03! Of course, you are all winners in my eyes. But in terms of Arthurian crossword puzzle completions, as far as I can tell, my inbox contained nine correct entries as follows:
Enormous apologies to anyone who entered but is not in this list. I have scanned my email inbox very carefully several times, and don't *think* I have missed any correct entries, but I am, above all, a numpty. If I have forgotten you, please feel free to direct your ire in at me in the comments! But I digress. CONGRATULATIONS TO MY AMAZING CROSSWORD COMPLETERS! YOU ARE ALL BRILLIANT AND I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU FOR PLAYING! <3 <3 <3 After an extremely technologically advanced draw (involving 9 post-it notes and a 14-year-old stuck at home on a snow day), the winner is....
Dearest Malu. Not only did you win the draw, but also your dragon-administrated solution made me giggle. Whether you want one or not, a 500-word drabble will be winging its way to you as soon as I can think of something suitable :)
Cam <3