Fic prompt.

Oct 12, 2017 13:46

Imagine... an apocalyptic Doctor Who / Bake-off crossover, scripted by "Stephen Moffat" in which the contestants have to save THE UNIVERSE with their epic bakes.

Featuring (because it's my prompt, and I can mix series up if I want to):

Bake-offy peeps:

Noel Fielding being randomly charming
Mel and Sue, peppering the tent with double entendres
Paul Hollywood's "mmm this is delicious" face
Mary Berry's multi-coloured bomber jackets

Doctor Whoey peeps:

11th Doctor competing against HIMSELF
All my favourite Doctor's companions i.e. Rose, Donna, Wilf, Amy Pond, Jack Harkness, and let's face it the entire cast of Torchwood

A tangled, Moffat-esque plot
Epic quantities of delicious baked goods
A race against TIME ITSELF
Daleks being flummoxed by pastry

Ready, Steady, BAKE!


plot bunnies, bake-off, doctor who, not merlin, madness

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