It's been a while since I did a Britpick resource post, for which I apologise. Real life caught up with me, as it is wont to do. Anyway, for what it is worth, here is a Britpick resource post that explores the dark, hairy, pimply underbelly of British peevishness: the comedy rant.
Read on, Macduff... )
I want to have my characters bitch and moan a l'anglais. I DO. But I'm afraid 0.0. The closest I've come is having Leon make some disparaging remarks about Halloween and the malplacement of Guy Fawks Day events. (And you know I spelled that wrong). He said the nation was going to pot and I notice this phrase is NOT mentioned. Oy (that's the Jewish kind with the y). I fear to tread further (or is that farther?? Anyhoo.)
Having watched both Trading Spaces and Changing Rooms (Don't ask!)and the inevitable, terrible train wreck that followed when they decided to have the British and American teams work together, (I'm cringing RIGHT NOW, remembering) I know for a fact that Americans rarely parse British rants, teases disparagements and sneers correctly.
I am still scarred by that event.
Ever optimistic but at kind of ethnic, East Coast levels as opposed to Cali levels, may try.
dON't Laugh!
I mean, unless it's supposed to be funny
I will definitely enjoy this.
But Leon is right. The country is going to pot!
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