So let's set the world on fire

Jan 21, 2012 02:59

[20] Glee - Quinn Fabray for glee20in20
[12] Glee


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icons: glee, icons, icons: 20in20

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Comments 22

pee_wee_2005 January 20 2012, 17:56:26 UTC
Wonderful! Love Bottom, Favorite Scene, Pissed Off, Cat #2 and 9, 11 & 12.


samelthecamel January 21 2012, 00:53:41 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you like them. ♥


grappig47 January 20 2012, 20:50:49 UTC
These are AMAZING!! I am so jealous of your iconing ability!

Can you teach me your ways?!

I did take a few. And I will credit when they're used!


samelthecamel January 21 2012, 01:15:43 UTC
Awww don't be jealous. It just takes lots and lots of practice. (go look at my old icons!)
I could try teaching, but I have no idea where I would start. :S


grappig47 January 21 2012, 01:18:08 UTC
I just have no creativity :(


samelthecamel January 21 2012, 02:14:32 UTC
Just experiment, go check out some tutorials at good_tutorial they always help me. Try different techniques that you have seen around? Don't be afraid to do something crazy!


star55 January 20 2012, 22:19:23 UTC
Sam, bb, lovely, what on earth were you still doing up at o'dark thirty?
Anyway, lovely icons, tacking a couple. ♥♥♥


samelthecamel January 21 2012, 01:17:27 UTC
I had to finish my icons by today, then I did my twelve hours reminder, and then I watched Baywatch from 4-5am, and then got up for chat at 11. I'm a nightowl. This is the only way I see the morning. XD


star55 January 21 2012, 01:18:21 UTC
You are adorable. Love you. ♥


samelthecamel January 21 2012, 02:15:49 UTC


amdeloag January 20 2012, 22:58:27 UTC
Lovely icons. Saved a few with credits, thank you! :3


samelthecamel January 21 2012, 01:19:51 UTC
Aww Thank you. You're welcome. ♥


(The comment has been removed)

samelthecamel January 21 2012, 01:22:51 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you like them. <3


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