Top 5 Finn Moments Picspam

Dec 11, 2010 12:25

My Top Five Finn Moments.
Over the last few episodes I've grown to love the big doofus that is Finn Hudson. I never really used to like the character that much, so I guess these are top five reasons I now adore him.

#5 - To Sir, With Love.
I think this was the first time Finn made me cry. His confession to Will was my favourite part of this episode. His love for Mr Schue as a fatherly figure is adorable.

#4 - Theatricality
Any brotherly moments between Finn and Kurt are adorable. They fit so well as brothers. I could never ship them together, that just seems weird, but their friendship is the best.

#3 - Rocky Horror
I think Finn Hudson needs to wear glasses more often. More shirtless moments wouldn't hurt either. His confused face is adorable and those glasses make it ten times more adorable.

#2 - Grilled Cheesus
More adorable Finn faces. The grilled cheesus moments are hilarious. If I was to choose something to worship, I think I'd worship a grilled cheese sandwich too. :)

#1 - Just The Way You Are
My favourite moment so far this season. I don't know how many times I watched this scene. Did I mention this already? Finn and Kurt are adorable together!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my top five, sorry it was a little rushed. This was made for a challenge over at gleeverse. Come join in the fun! Team New Directions FTW!

Please don't post these on tumblr, they will be posted here on my tumblr if you really need to reblog them.

picspam: glee, picspam

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