public television and i look like crap

Aug 04, 2005 19:16

tomorrow at this time i'll be back in mt.p my favorite place to be with my nater...i'm taking my stupid exam at 7 and hopefully gettin some of the superb salsa from the shamrock before i leave!!

these last two days a film crew has been at the station because they're doing a half hour special on the research that goes on up here and since our class did research projects they've interviewed us and taped our presentations...i was prepared for these events but when i showed up at dinner with no bra, my pjs and no makeup is when i get my time in the spot light...they interviewed me about the food recycling process after meals and i stumbled over my words and looked terrible in my closeup. now i'll never be recruited for my talent...i blew it!

i think i'm going to go to bed early like a grandma...i really want this night to be over so tomorrow can be here faster!!
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