Jan 27, 2010 01:20
I have serious plans on going to FC 11' next year ie: Further Confusion.
I need to run this by my woofers and see if he can make it at all possibly but I am DEF going.
Anyway to make a long ass story short I would really like to get a large suite and split it with quite a few folks and I was wondering if anyone wants to go? Remember this is in January 2011 so we have a long way to go before its final :p
How I'll have the money to go? My mum was asking me today what I would really want for my 21st birthday and next Christmas put together and I said that I really wanted to go to FC and she said she was fine with it as long as other people can room with me to help out with the cost. I'm not going to sell anything I'm just going to have a pretty damn nice time, meet up with people, etc.
K but I have a few ground rules if you're going to room with me
-Happily Taken by my floofers Tozame..so no I will not have sex with you LOL.
-I need my space..I'm not really up to sharing a bed with anyone BUT my floofers so I hope you understand that if I make you sleep on a cot or if I can bring my queen sized air matress you won't be pissed.
-Smoking is alright just not a shitload of it..I need to breathe man
[I don't advise bringing weed but if you want to I won't stop you]
-Drinking is A-OK just don't get us thrown out of the hotel
-NO SEX while other people are in the room, thats just nasty and rude.
-BYOB of whatever..I'm not paying for the damn mini bar
-I need sleep..late night parties are cool but not too late.
-I am A Fursuiter, NO I do not fuck in it I'm just saying if it messes with you or something.
-Drama free zone. I don't want you to bring your shit with so and so to me, but if you're a friend and need a hug or something I'll try my best to help.
I'm not trying to be a bitch I just think I deserve some comfort :x
Just lemme know if you guys are interested. I'm pretty dead set on going and I'd love to room with people I know already.