Weekender Report

Nov 16, 2009 00:25

Ahh another amazing weekend with Tozame. I'm going to hate the fact I won't be seeing him as much as of lately pretty soon since he'll be going back home for Thanksgiving and usually when he goes home for that he scores his sleep back that he lost over the semester, besides I won't be cooking this year I guess my family likes going out x_x I lean more twords home cooked goodness but eh.

So I tried to make a whole duck by roasting it in the oven Saturday down at Tozame's place and it turned out good but, I didn't know you had to trim it of fat and there was hardly that much meat on it xc but the mashed potatoes and honey glazed carrots turned out super yummy and the little meat we did manage to peel off the duck was also delicious. Note to self, make chicken instead it has more meat! xD
We stayed up till about 3AM but he told me he walked out of the room for 3 minutes while I was playing Tekken 6 and he came back to find me sleeping with the xbox 360 controller in my hands. Sunday afternoon was nice, we just mellowed out, listened to music, showered together and then napped from 4 to about 7 then I ran to Taco Bell and got dinner. After that I went home and watched Dexter now I'm just trying to make myself tired drinking warm nesquik chocolate milk.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~HOCKEY GAME IS TOMORROW!!!!!~*~*~*~*~

I am super excited about it, I'm most likely going to leave here about 3:30pm so I can get there pretty early, the game starts at 7:30 but dreamaria said to get there pretty early so I'm going to. This is gonna be so damn awesome, I wish I could find my damn Camera charger >C Ohh also waaaay off topic but I'm starting college this January officially at Westmoreland Community College even though all my classes I'm taking here at the Uniontown campus but in Fall I'll be going to WCCC. Wish me luck :D

penguins, hockey, love, food, tozame, college, happy, pittsburgh

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