No not the song! D:
Ugh sorry I've been so sparce lately, I've been running around like a fool and now I am totally horridly sick with something.
These past few weeks come Thursday I've been escaping the norm here at home and have been running to Tozame's to stay and just take up his breathing space. xD No seriously we have a good time together may it be from going on random trips to downtown Morgantown to seek out nom noms or going up to his friends room up a couple floors and me attempting to play Magic the Gathering, drawing with my tablet and watching Star Wars all at the same time!
Also to my last post yes we are officially back together and I'm the happiest person in the world about it. ^^
I've become a lot closer to him and have learned to trust.
That brings me to the mass drama that happened a few weeks ago
[!!Please I Don't Need Any Snarky Comments Such As "Oh He Did It And You're Just Denying It." because I've heard it and I've already came together with Tozame and I know truly that what was said was absolutly untrue.]
So I was staying down at Tozame's and he was at an early morning class. While he was away I slept in his bed happily untill his retarded roomate Bryan and his friend came in and started making a shit ton of noise and started playing video games. I couldn't get back to sleep no matter how hard I tried and just woke up and started flipping through my sketchbook. Once Bryan saw I was up he started BSing with me and he started to say how Toz gets irratated when he loses at video games which he does and I find it funny and cute when he does. I mean he doesn't throw tantrums or anything he just goes "gah its a glitch in tha game! Fucking laaag!" xD Its not lag dearest you just lost. Anyway he just kept trying to drag it on and tried to bash him on things that weren't even relevant to where I was just like "Ok Bry I get it he annoys you just shut the fuck up and deal with it." So he is just out of the blue like "Oh *looks over at his friend* should I tell her." his friend "Tell her what *attempts to make a think face while Bryan is practically sounding it out for him* Oh that! Oh yeah when Bryan had his ex over here during the first week she brought her friend and she had no where to stay so she slept with Dan [Toz] and the y had sex cuz we heard sex noises and she had a huge bite mark on her neck the next day." After this I went white and started to shake and get sick to the stomach, I asked Bryan what she looked like and he said she was a skinny long brown haired girl with a pretty face. Then he tried to sit next to me and hold me/hold my hand and I kind of told him to back the fuck off and shooed him and his friend out of the room and took two tylenol simply sleeps and waited for Toz to come back so I could ask him. I thought he would be back at 3 and the time was 10. He ended up coming back around 11 b/c he wanted to grab lunch. When he walked in the room I could feel he was there and sat up and asked him while crying and feeling like an ice cube if it was true, he said without hesitating that he would never hurt me or betray me like that and held open his arms and told me that I could always run to him and I did and after crying we talked and once we put it all together none of it made sense to what type of person he is but that Bryan was trying to do what he does to any other girl he wants to get sex out of..get sympathy sex :I. So I went downtown while under the tylenol xD and ended up sleeping on one of the lounge couches while I was waiting on him to be done with class. So skip ahead to last week, Toz found an open room and moved out of where Bryan was and moved in with this band kid who is basically a super Dragon Ball Z/Band dork who has no life/no GF but promised he wouldn't try to get in my pants xD Anyway I ran into Bryan in the elevator and he was with this FUGLY stinky chick and he was all "Oh its true what he did here is your proof." I just flipped him off and went back to Toz's room and we snuggled/kisses all that mushy stuff. BTW the chick he said was "proof" was a short, fat, flat faced stinky chick with short redish brown hair not what he described to me at the supposed initial tell all.
So yeah stupid ass drama that just made me even closer to my lover. Fuck you Bryan Akers I hope your dick falls off from AIDS :)