Mar 22, 2009 23:03
[FYI why I use the "easy" is due to our store motto "That was easy"]
Well I found out when I get paid and that is every Friday :3 They hand you your check in person at the store. I would like to get a direct deposit set up to my bank account but I'm afraid to trust it :/
Everyone at work is made of WIN so far :] Carla [the head of the copy center atm since the usual head of it is out for surgery] is so sweet to me n.n My managers are all super nice and they explain how everything works to me, not like at Sears where they threw me in front of a register and didn't teach me jack and everyone was a asshole. Everyone there is just really nice! I think I'm going to love working there actually :]
I work tomorrow from 3-9:30 off on Tuesday, Wednesday I work 9-5 and the same goes for Thursday and Saturday. I get the usual half hour lunch break and two 15 min breaks. They even keep stuff in the break room for anyone to munch on/drink. We had a big bowl of fruit, a bowl of candies, two jars of pretzel sticks and like 6 cases of Fuze energy drinks. I snagged two of the Mojito ones xD Everything is simple to do too, I had one bullshit customer the other day though that basically wanted me to just give her a dollar off the copy paper "She" wanted to buy, not the one that had the dollar instant rebate. She insisted that there were none left...well 20 something customers came up and bought the paper that had the rebate :/
Anyway I called Jim "my boss" and he asked VERY politely "What seems to be the problem maam?" and after this lady bitched about me being "un-helpful and rude" which I wasn't..I did everything but kiss her ass, she said she wanted the Staples brand paper with the instant dollar rebate that the other paper had and Jeff was like "Umm have the worng paper. Would you like me to.." and before he could help her out she screamed at him "Well I don't like your attitude and you can just keep your stupid paper!" and she stormed out leaving me there holding her items :/ But Jim was just like "pfft wtf ever bitch" xD
But yes Staples of Uniontown is AWESOME 8D
oh yey,