Christmas turned out to be great [except I picked up some nasty chest cold and I'm coughing up stuff that looks like yellow road paint]
Toz got me some really cool stuff, a big wolf puzzle and this really awesome dragon lamp/fountain and it turns green and blue 8)
I got a buttload of stuff from the family including, Bose on ear headphones, an XBOX 360, multiple games for the 360 Beautiful Katamari-Banjo Nuts and Bolts-Guitar Hero WT-MK vs DC and I got Ookami for the Wii and Pro Cook Trainer for DS x3 Umm a new pair of awesome black furry muk luk boots from my sister including 500$ twords my college fund ;w;
A lot ALOT of bath and body works of my fav scent Black Amethyst <3
My mum liked her gift especially the new auto grinding coffee pot. Dinner was win too we had cheese raviolis, Ham, Mashed Potatos, all that good shit.
Plus..TMI stuff :0
Today 12/26/08 is the anniversary of when Toz and I first had the smex. So today we are hoping to have alone time so we can do it like bunnies. ;3 We had some fun yesterday but we have to do something epic to celebrate the ba doingz day. x3