So Yesterday was rather a long active day. I loved it! I was able to
hang out with Ely for a little bit before she left. I felt a little bad
because she was waiting for me for a couple of mins. She was on the
phone with her bf, so it couldn't have been TOO bad. ;-) (or so she
said) While she was here, O arrived. So they met . It was nice, a
friend from home meeting a friend from school.
So O came in. We talked for a while. She looks the same, same ole' O.
Being weird and all. LOL It was nice seeing her though, I admit. About
time she got her lazy ass over here.
She got to admit my Blasian aka bf. Hehe, he was suppose to just
drop by before he was leaving. But he stayed for a lot longer. It was
thundering/lightning and I didn't want him to drive like that. So we
ordered some chinese food instead. Afterwards. we went bowling. I
hadn't told the girls O was here so they were surprised to see her.
Especially Heather, it was priceless. I had my camera with me but I was
uhm.. a little busy to capture the moment. Anyhow, bowling was fun!!!!
It really was. Perhaps it was because I was with both my friends and my
half. He was only suppose to stay for one game but end up playing
two. He was kicking ass on his second game. Seven strikes in his
last bowl. I really wanted T and Abby to be there
with us but I know they would have said no anyhow. I tried to avoid any
feeling of discomfort for everyone. I did do the right thing, right?
Anyhow, later that night we were suppose to go to Atlantis but people
had second thoughts so we went to the usual spot from last year. I was
having second thoughts of going in the first place. But I didn't want
to be a party pooper and besides O was my guest. But I'm not going to
ramble on about it again, I already did it in the previous post. All I
have to say is that it's going to be a sucky 2 months and I'll try to
be busy enough to avoid missing him. Or rather be busy enough to Not
think how much I miss him.
Well, this has been another lenghty post. I don't care it is MY
JOURNAL afterall . I took a nap earlier tonight and I hope I can go to
sleep at a decent time. I think we went to sleep like past 5 am
yesterday. Anyhow, back to what I was doing.. Wait, what was I