Stuff dreams are made of

Feb 22, 2009 21:02

Recently I've been having an odd experience. It's not a reoccurring dream but a reoccurring person and theme.

Now I never have nightmares. I have had only one dream that I guess that could be described as one, but I didn't wake up screaming or anything and I was like 8. On average I have very movie like dreams. There are cuts, pans, etc. If I am in it (which I am 90%) it's never from my point of view. They are generally odd. Never pleasant, but never bad. I don't know how to describe it other than odd. I also remember my dreams. Some I remember for years, but on average I can remember clearly dreams I had up to about five days ago. For example I have had dreams about the Ninja Turtles playing my in basketball, running a robot version of me through a maze after a person, and once I had a dream where I was a detective investigating murders but I turned out to be the murderer! As I said, they are just odd.

Recently, I've been having dreams about this one person who I work with that I like. I've been meaning to ask her out, but due to a lack of one on one time and balls I have been unable to. However, in the past two weeks she has been in about ten of my dreams and of those ten the main focus about seven or six times. However, these dreams aren't sex dreams. I think I have only ever had two sex dreams my entire life. These dreams are more of a romantic nature. For example last night in my dream I was at a party. It was a big party and for some reason a bunch of the teachers from work were there. The girl I like was coming to talk to me but other teacher would sort of get between us. We were trying to get a chance to talk, but other teachers were coming up to me and hitting on me, so I couldn't get to the teacher I liked. In the end I went home, then realized I shouldn't give up and went back. She did the same too, and we finally got to sit and talk. The night prior, was a far simpler affair. In that dream I would rush to a cafe to meet her. We would sit and talk, then when she tired of talking she'd just rest her head on my chest and I'd hold her. Two nights, prior the dream was about trying to hold her hand. I blame that one on watching Wall-E like two times that day. I think it was after date. I'm not sure, but I remember walking through a building and trying to hold her hand, and then just going somewhere hand in hand. That one is a bit more hazy, but you get the idea.

The thing that is odd for me is that this is a first. The first time I've had a reoccurring pattern in my dreams let alone the same person over and over again. The odd thing is that there have been women that I felt stronger about, and while I was infatuated with them I never had a dream about them. I've never even had my family appear that often in my dreams. Rarely they appear. The only thing I can assume is that my subconscious is more in love with this girl than I am.
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