Make or break...

May 10, 2004 00:01

Happy Mothers Day to my Mom!

Just thought I would get that out of the way.  Today was fun, I guess you have to include after-prom in that too.  Even though I felt bad and missed not seeing Tiffany and having her go to that, because she wanted to, it turned out okay.

So the highlights of the day were:
-Spending time with my mom
-Spending time with my grandma and aunt
-Having my aunt show me Venus, Mars, and other stars and things in the sky with her hi-tech telescope
-Getting to talk to Tiffany for a good bit of time

Yup, it is amazing how amazing stars are, you never really notice unless you take the time though.  Like I bet you did not know that the brightest star is not the North Star anymore, in fact the North Star is faded, and unless you know what to look for around it, you will not find it.

And So I leave you with this...

"Stand on your own two feet, and fight like hell for your place in this world"

~Cam Bam
<3 Tiff, glad you are back

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