May 04, 2004 00:04
Back again, can I get an encore???
Took one in the jugular, at 'NHS Massacre Day.' Fortunately, they stopped the bleeding quickly...
Sorry for lying. Well to all the skippers of the 'NHS Massacre Day' it did not happen, I do not want to say I told you so..., but, I told YOU so. Thanks for not making me do alot of work today by not being in class and therefore having most teachers feel that it was useless to teach.
Mr. Right Shoulder,
Well after you didn't get a bullet in your from the 'NHS Massacre Day' as I had expected, I made you be a little sore again, by working out, sorry, but at least I stretched you, and kept you from a bullet I might owe me.
Your 'Homie',
Cam Bam
Is the reason that so many of you tune into the journal, but do NOT comment, because I don't ask you questions? I guess you all don't know what angle to come to comment from, but heck, I'm not gonna do your work for you, that's your job, you comment about whatever you want, talk about pixy sticks, I don't care.
You know, it hit me today, the real purpose of life, is to struggle to find the meaning of it, and nothing more. That's what we are all here to do, is find the meaning and our, if you will, 'place' in this world. We all want to find this place so it will make life easier, but you know, I'm throwing this out the window, I don't care what my purpose is, or what the meaning of my life is. It's going to all happen no matter what I do. What's meant to be will be.
-If the boogey man comes, hiding under my covers won't help.
-If I'm meant to die tomorrow, then I'll die.
-If I'm meant to be president in 2028, then I will be, and that's a fact.
-If I'm meant to save your mind, single-handedly, one by one, then I'm gonna do it.
As for the last one, I think I am doing it, you all need to loosen up, get out of the box.
Learn to understand without thinking and then you'll truly live.
On a personal note, I'm understanding clearer and clearer, that I'm about ready to go down 'my path.' Damnit, I'm gonna make the best out of it. I think I've found what I've needed to move on, and I'm gonna live life, and give it a shot. I'm just waiting for the right time, and I hope the person this relates to knows it's them. If so then know I'm not putting things off, just waiting until it seems right.
To my readers:
If you're LUCKY, one day you'll have the priveledge of understanding me, and the world around you.
~Cam...still BAM'in!