Dec 21, 2010 14:10
I haven’t done this for awhile. I’m going to do a quick run-through on each astrological sign and how I feel about them. It’s merely from my perspective and based on experiences in the past. Other people have met different individuals of each sign and will ultimately interact with them differently than I do.
Aries - I think as a friend they make good companions, though not necessarily the most conversational friend. They tend to mask feelings or have too strong of feelings. Lifestyles are the biggest obstacle; most are caught up in living the good times and don’t desire to really stray from that. They’re not the most progressive individuals. (Kyle, Megan, Ben)
Taurus - Currently Matt and Andrew are two friends we have that are Taurus. They are a bit older than us, and Stephanie as well as myself tend to gravitate towards older people. They are definitely more settled in their ways, but conversational and like to meet up from time to time. (Matt, Andrew, Coralee, a few past acquaintances)
Gemini - My track record with Gemini’s is most favorable. Richard has been my longest-known friend, and I’m marrying Stephanie. I have met several Gemini’s over the years and those friendships seem to come and go with ease and on mutual terms. (Stephanie, Richard, Patrick, Laura S., a few past acquaintances)
Cancer - This is probably the sign I lothe the most. They always seem to be judgmental and deceptive. It is rather obvious that they try to keep almost everyone as distant friends and leave true emotions and ambitions to a select few. Cancers are most often afraid of change, insecure, and defy logic. (my mom, Erin, one past acquaintance)
Leo - In my life I have known a lot of Leos and it’s all relatively the same. They tend to favor individuals that give them the most attention and those they have the most in common with. Typically things start to get a little frustrating because they don’t change, and they typically enjoy drama. If there isn’t a lot of drama with people they know, they then create it themselves. (Amara, Laura M, Chris (Doxon), Jeff, a few acquaintances)
Virgo - Most are borderline crazy in my opinion. I tend to view virgos as being rebellious. However, they can be good amusement and bring something fresh to conversation. Unfortunately, many fall into a poor lifestyle. Those that lead a fairly normal life are good people and good friends. (Jon, my dad, a few acquaintances)
Libra - Unfortunately, I don’t know many. The one I know of, Stephanie and I were able to converse with openly with minimal relations. I would like to get to know more Libras, but that seems to be hard meaning lifestyle preferences are different from ours possibly. (Rob, one of Matt’s friends)
Scorpio - Scorpio’s have been labeled by Stephanie and I as being possessive. I’m cool with Scorpio’s as long as they’re not trying to possess me. They tend to be very conversational and when in their good graces they can be generous. (Steph’s mom, Jaime, Kyle (Kim’s ex), stories of Chris (Steph’s ex))
Sagittarius - I always get charged up being around Sagittarians. I know that they’re the opposite of me, if not readily apparent by lifestyle differences then it shows in behavior. The can often act illogically and without much thought. They also tend to let their emotions get the better of them. Usually they are looking for instant-gratification where as Gemini’s just enjoy change. (Adam (Doxon), my cousin Jason)
Capricorn - Things just tend to be off when it comes to Capricorns and my interactions with them. I’ve always viewed them as being steady and stable, but too slow for me to relate to. I consider Capricorns to be very sociable. However, things go downhill quickly if additions are present. (Ashley, Kimberley, Chris, a few past acquaintances)
Aquarius - unfortunately all my experience with Aquarius is through dating. Conversation was always good, and they are pretty friendly. The only problem I had is they tended live according to a slower drum beat, and maybe putting intellect over physicality a little too much. (a couple of acquaintances)
Pisces - This sign has really been a mixed bag for me. I have gotten along very well with any male Pisces I’ve met; but besides one girl the rest have been really deceptive. I can be best friends with a Pisces, I just don’t expect to explore emotions because they seem to be a sensitive subject. (a couple of acquaintances, Mitch, LG, Amanda (online friend, for many years in the past), David (Doxon)
If I were to rate the signs I enjoy being around the most:
Most favorable: Gemini
Favorable: Aries, Taurus, Pisces
Mixed: Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius
Unfavorable: Scorpio, Capricorn
Hope to avoid: Cancer
Unable to rate: Libra, Aquarius
FYI - I choose Scorpio, Capricorn to be unfavorable because outside of family, my relations with them have been short lived. I'm open to having my mind changed though.