So here it is, the ever infamous opinions of Adam. Now the dangerous aspect of this is that everything is put out on paper, so my words can come back to haunt me. But seeing as I am one arrogant asshole, and believe I am 99.99997% correct about everything, this isn’t a fear
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My issue is when it turns into the Robin Hood coffer system in which the gov't "steals from the rich to give to the poor". Perhaps I believe too much in the inherent goodness of the human spirit, but if I know a friend or person in serious trouble, I do my best to help, and would expect the same of others. That is why so many people got to a point of relying on the system, almost living off of it as opposed to using it to continue to pay the bills until the job opportunity or health issue, or whatever it was came about. Instead of believing in their fellow humans, people believed in the gov't, and that is why changes in the system seem like such a smack.
I think Welfare would be a much more effective service if things such as job skill training were mandatory with it. I realize a lot of people just can't make the ends meet, and this will allow those who want to get back on their feet the additional education they need to find a vocation or job skill trait that caters to their that I would love to see my tax dollars work on! And for those who are trying to milk the system...their days are numbered and at some point they will have to figure out a way to maintain a lifestyle.
And as for missing me...understandable..j/k.
One thing that really sucks about being so far apart from can always keep up, but not in the personal way that you should. I would like it a lot better if I could see everyone everyday, but maybe it is the distance and continued effort that shows who matters and cares.
Let me know how things are going with Tennessee (unless that has changed already!)...if that ends up being the school of choice, you'll be gettin a Rocky Top cheer from me! :)
I remember everyone believing in some ghetto queen that was a babymaker and taking all thier taxpayers dollars. I'm sure that once in awhile someone does figure out how to manipulate the system, but the system wasn't very generous, and I'm sure those were few and far between.
I know this was limited by my experience, but also, no one wanted to be on Welfare, especially with the way people treated you once they found out. Or when you had to use food stamps. Or the way it feels when the car runs out of oil and you have buy packs of gum with dollar food stamps till you get enough change to get a quart of oil.
Personally, I know I'm going to be taxed, so I'd rather have my money going to those people who it can really help. I take it as a given that those tax dollars are going to be taken and used- maybe I'm a bit more of a socialist. =) Damn commies.
Sorry for my loonnng response... I just remember how awful my mom was treated by other people's parents at st. wendy's. -That's why Dinah left too. Or Cara Fry seriously stating that the poor should be sterilized and her dad (who I usually like a lot) saying that the book The Myth of the Welfare Queen (really good book) was just liberal propaganda or something to that effect- and he hadn't even read it.
Hearing a lot of classmates (most of them not hurting for many in any way!) say how awful my family and friends were based on fiction was... well yeah.
As for Tennessee- I got into Tennessee- so one of the best programs in the country for forensic anthropology! (if not the best!) The catch- they don't do financial aid awards. You have to apply separately to individual scholarships and grants and assistantships. This I did not know and all the deadlines were in Feb/March. First year grad students usually don't get grad assistantships though- which sucks because that's the tuition waiver + stipend dealy-o. So I've only been able to find 2 places still hiring- Minorities Support Office/Black Cultural Center and The Body Farm (may or may not be taking on grad assistants this year). So I'm waiting to hear from them. The Body Farm would be awesome as that is one of the huge reasons why Tennessee has an amazing Forensic Anthropology program. So we shall see. If worse comes to worse, then I will take out a $25/30,000 loan for my first year- which is a crazy lot, but worth getting into that school.
Plus I already have ridiculous loans, so a bit more can't hurt that much.. right?
I really do miss you & its true that you can see who keeps up with things and who doesn't. Though I must say I'm an awful "penpal" friend. What are you doing after next fall? That's when you graduate right? Or am I totally off base on that? Tell Kris I said hi- I love you guys!
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