Dec 24, 2005 21:08
Fuck all the happy holidays bullshit...
MERRY CHRISTMAS ( and yes, I know that Dec. 25th is based on a pagan ritual, and yes, it isn't the true date of the birth of Christ)
And if you don't like it, maybe it's time to understand those good ole' christian beliefs the country was founded on and respect everyones ability to say their expressions. Fuck the ACLU and every other goddamn fool who keeps trying to shove political correctness up our asses...this could be a long write, but I am not gonna make it be because it is a great day, and a great holiday, and all should be happy :)
With that I again say, merry CHRISTmas
( and yes, I know that Dec. 25th is based on a pagan ritual, and yes, it isn't the true date of the birth of Christ, but that is the day it is celebrated, so we gotta live with some jackasses decision when he was trying to appease the "savages" of the day)
All of this from the biggest Grinch of them all, me. So with that in mind, I end by saying have a great fucking night and a wonderful damn morning :)
Laters all!