Dec 07, 2005 16:57
Just in C-bus, and figured I would inform all! :) Nothing big going on, currently jacking music from my bro, and e-mailing it to me. Stealing eminem, tons of country, all various stuff. Sorta got Tim McGraw out of my head, but now got Eminem "When I'm Gone" in my head. Actually a really good song, and I agree with most of it. I really think that, a lot like Manson, if you can through the bullshit lyrics and images, a lot of what he says and means are true images and reflections of life. This is one of those songs, because I think it is really one of the problems with society today...we got dispoable children. Kids get tossed to the side for careers, or because parents don't want to mess with the problems...and then they wonder why kids turn to guns, gangs, drugs, or some other form of negative attention. It's the only attention they can get.
Anyways, beginning to ramble, and didn't even mean to get into that..won't post lyrics since most have either heard the song, or can look it up really easy. Talk to and see folk later, hopefully sooner than later!