May 29, 2005 23:48
Today was a pretty great day for the most part. Went to work, that wasn't too bad cause we weren't busy at all. Then immediately following work me and josh went to paris to Howard's house and went fishing with him. It was a lot of fun. Between josh amd howard i learned to be a pretty damn good fisherman. I caught a couple really nice bass. Josh caught the biggest which was about 16inches long. I caught one that was about 13. We went fishing at howard's wife's parents farm. But behind his house is this old rock quarry. It is absolutely georgous. It's breath takingly beautiful. He said that they mined there and dug so deep they hit water and it filled in the mine. It supposed to be over 400 ft deep. When u look at it your standing on rock, and across the lake theres a rock cliff with an old mine truck sitting on it, the water is almost crystal clear. God i could have stayed there for hours and hours. He said that all the mining equipment is still at the bottom of it, i would so love to go scouba diving there. I'm gonna go again and take a camera and take a bunch of pictures. Then me a josh came back and i had to take josh to work so he could get his car an melissa's stalker was there. That guys a real winner, so i had to call her and tell her that her stalker came to work to visit her. It was funny stuff.
So i read Katy's post and i guess i took it personal. Not sure why, i guess it just seems like maybe i'm that person shes talking about. If i am i didn't mean to be that way and i'm terribly sorry if i am that way. For some reason it just bothers me. I'm not saying this for pity or anythign like that, i'm just saying it to get it off my chest. So don't think i'm just saying it so ppl will be like nice job trying to get ppl to feel sorry for you. It's a little thing called venting. Well i smell like a giant fish so i think it's shower time. Goodnight.