(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 21:45

so finals are over. i had my last one today, and it wasn't bad. in fact, none of them were bad. the bioscience and philosophy tests were like any other test, and although i had to write four essays for bible, i think i did well. lol it was so bad this week though, i just couldn't concentrate, i was so ADD (and i actually HAVE the disorder, so i can say that). i was writing my essay for my bible exam and i was like "hm, i remember in the sixth grade" and i would just sit there thinking about stuff for like 10 minutes. it was bad lol, i was so bored. so i ended up staying up till 6:30am last night, outlining chapters in my philosophy book for the test. it shouldn't have taken that long, but it did because i can't focus for long periods of time anymore, probably because i am so tired. yay three hours of sleep. but thank God I'm done so I can get sleep tonight and stuff. yay.

but HEY! Messiah has a tradition! I've found one, so we are no longer tradition-less!!! =)
every night of finals week at 12am there is a thing called 'midnight scream' where everybody opens up their windows and screams bloody murder because they are so sick of studying. it feels sooo good to do because it relieves so much stress. and it is so loud where my window is because my window faces another dorm, and the dorms together make a 'u', and the sound bounces around a lot. since tonight is the last night of finals week, my friends and i are gonna go to this really tall hill right off campus called "cemetery hill" and scream from there at midnight, then we will go sledding because there is still snow on the ground from last thursday/friday. i don't think it has melted at all.

i am currently in the process of switching rooms and this having bare walls is killing me. it is so UGLY. ew.

who knows when i will be home on friday, travel plans are a bit crazy bc rachel expects us to sit around an empty campus all day waiting for her to get off of work so we can drive home in separate cars together. ryan and i might leave earlier in hannah's car, but then there is this crazy ice/snow storm that is hitting thursday night and friday morning, so who knows how that will go.

see you all SOON!! =)
and I will miss you Cindy, I do hope you come to visit!!
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