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Jun 11, 2002 20:00

hello everyone......I DID IT.....I GRADUATED!!!


i had the best night last night....seriously.....i graduated last night, it took me 5 years, but i did it and i did it well. i cant believe that it is all over now. seriously, it really hasnt sunk in that i am not going to be at North Providence High next year. i mean, ok, me of all people, i cry over any and everything, i cried the last day of school, i cried at senior night, the prom, however, for some reason, i did ot cry at all during graduation. it is so unlike me, i dont know why i didnt cry. i got a little teary eyed during my principal's speech...at the end of it he said that whenhe goes to school tomorrow.....(today)....it would be a a lot more empty, and lot mor sad, a lot less fun and there would definetly be a big part of NPHS missing. that was so sad cuz he was kind of chocking up too. you see, when the class of 2002 came to the highschool as freshman, it was his first year there, so this is the first class that he actually went from freshman to seniors with and he got to know us really well.

last night, i had some of my best friends there and family, as well as my "second family"....my mom, dad, grandmother, auntie judy, lisa, marissa, allison, jen, and kevin were all there as my guests....also, with amys family and jeans family there, it felt like i had many more people there to see me. it was a really great night!! i am so happy there everyone that i wanted to go was there.

we went through the whole ceremony, the salutatorian talked about how she never thought that she would make it to graduation as a freshman (since when you are a freshman everything seems so far away, however, it goes by so fast you really need all the pictures in the world to remember just half of it.) then the valedictorian went up and gave her speech, it was good, however, i dont really know what she said, i didnt really pay attention, whoops.... anyways, everyone thought that she dragged on too long. then after that they beganwith the dilomas...i was the 15th person in a class of 222 to graduate. out of amy jean and i, i was first.....then amy was # 95, and finally jean was # 164...lol...poor jean. so, after the graduation was all over, we marched out and then we had to go downstairs toget or actual diploma because they handed out blank ones to avoid any mix-ups.

when i was walking across the stage i was so unbelieviably nervous, and i dont know why.....i was about half way to mr Goho and i heard 9 year old marissa scream "Go Laura"....then i heard amy yell "bob"....that is what they call me....bob....and i heard jean yell "woohoo"....and then after mr goho handed it to me, i looked across to the right side of the stage, mrs paolantonio was standing there waving at me, it was such a nice thing to have her there for me at that time. i told her many many times that i wanted her to be there and she constantly said that she didnt know if she could come, but she was there, and i was very happy about that......mrs carr was there for me too...but she didnt stay the whole time. after graduation was over, i took soo many pictures, and made sure that i took one with mrs paolantonio and i gave her about 10 hugs and kisses on the cheek...i am really going to miss her and mrs carr. i will definetly see them though, so i am not worried. i didnt get to see mrs iafrate, i wanted to give her a hug goodbye, ut there was so much commotion i couldnt even begin to look for her. i am gonna go and see all of the teachers one last time on thursday because it is the last day of school. so amy jean and i are gonna go and see everyone. then maybe we can go to the beach...again...lol.

well, after graduation last night amy, jean and i were supposed to go camping with a bunch of seniors at this camp ground in chepachet, but at the last minute it got changed to a camp ground in connecticut and so we decided not to go cuz it wasnt worth the ride....but the only problem was that we had already given one of the seniors money to get us liquor....$10 each, and she bought it for us and she had already brought it to the campground and everything, so we basically got screwed out of $30...but i didnt really care, that is all i need, to die from a drunk driving car accident on my graduation night....so we all decided that it was ok that we didnt go.

right after graduation, lisa, allison, marissa, jean, amy, mom, dad, grandma, auntie judy, sharon, jen and kevin all came to my house for cake pastry and coffee. it was nice, and jean and amy slept over my house and instead of camping, we put the tent up in my back yard and we camped out there...it was fun, we said that we werent gonna go to sleep, but we definetly all fell asleep at the same time...and we all woke up this morning at the same time....

jean had to go home cuz she had a softball game, so me and amy took a ride to the beach, and we stayed a little while, but it was definetly way too windy so we came home early, and now it is now and i am bored....i wanna go out but noone is around, so i am gonna just chill out at home. since i have no other choice...

well, right now, i am feeling a little sad about not being able to go to NPHS next year, but it will be ok, everything will be ok

i will write some more later on.....

~the new highschool graduate.....Laura
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