Apr 05, 2002 22:15
thank God that today is friday!!! this week has been one of the longest and since i have been working on Puzzle Day for the past 2 months, and Puzzle Day is on Tuesday, i feel like i SHOULD be in school tomorrow to finish up some different things just to make sure that everything goes well for Mrs. Pal and Mrs. Carr. I really really hope that they are satisfied with everything because they have worked so hard, and i want it to be great since it is going to be my last one. I can't help to think about all the thing that could have been done differently or better for Puzzle Day, it is making me crazy. As much as i say that i am sick of hearing about it, i really enjoy it a lot. Today, the "I need to work on Puzzle Day" excuse got me out of 3 classes. I think that is one of the better points of this big project. Well, since i have been talking about it so much, let me tell you what it is...at my highschool...North Providence High, we have this thing that 2 of the math teachers run, and it is a day out of the school year that there is all different kinds of puzzles in the library and the kids who want to work a table, they get a whole day out of classes. i like it. i am so excited too cuz my mom and dad are going to come to puzzle night, that is when all of the elementary kids get to come to the school, and i am taking marissa and allison too, and Jen is gonne come too...so i am going to have FUN FUN FUN...ok. let me stop talking about this now cuz its late and i am so tired, i have to work at 10....ugh, good night