OOC Notes: RSVP's should be sent to ic.uscc@gmail.com so that proper arrangments can be made for the Daeva Ball. This is a semi-formal affair. For ladies, a nice party dress, knee length is acceptable and quite appropriate. For gentleman, slacks, sports jackets or something you would wear on a date to impress. If you have any questions, please contact ic.uscc@gmail.com.
ST Note: On behalf of the Requiem staff for USCC 08, we look forward to your attendance and participation in the IC festivities at USCC 2008! If you would like to host a meeting or an event, we are asking that you make your request both IC to Prince Jordan Marx at ic.uscc@gmail.com and OOC at uscc08.requiem@gmail.com so that your requests can be accommodated. We look forward to making your event a weekend to remember! Be sure to register for USCC now!
Nycci Daniels
ECARST Requiem
USCC 08 Requiem Co-Lead
Justin Gaskins
DST - Dark Aria OH-017-D
aMST - Rules
Requiem Co-Lead ST - USCC 2008
Bekkah Anderson
The Littlest Monster
ANC Newsletter