Dec 22, 2010 16:04
Tell me, why is it that I get more and more fascinated with the Musumeyaku the longer I am a Takarazuka fan?
Apart from the music, the costumes and the whole...richness of Takarazuka Revue, it were the Otokoyaku who made me want to find out more and become a fan.
I still love them and the whole concept of a woman playing a man, but lately, I've started to become really interested in the Musumeyaku.
I've got some theories as to why exactly, but I still don't understand it completely.
I mean - I often get the feeling that Hankyuu doesn't care enough about its Musumeyaku, keeping them in the background as support for the Otokoyaku who are considered the real stars. This always bothered me somewhat, but it also caused me to ignore them in favor of the Otokoyaku. Especially this super-kawaiiiiii!-attitude they display in some of their roles got on my nerves a lot and I needed some time to see that this isn't all there is to the female roles.
But now, I've changed my mind - while I still see the negative aspects (or at least, what I consider negative aspects), I love them for their femininity, their elegance and grace, their beauty and skill. In their best moments, they're everything I'd love to be.
I admit I'm still a bit inexperienced with everything concerning Takarazuka and I haven't seen that many shows, but it's been enough to appreciate the Musumeyaku for what they are and what they can do. They can bring beauty, elegance and femininity to a whole new level without being reduced to decor - well, most of the time anyway.
So, what do you think? If anyone's actually reading this journal, I'd love to hear your opinion!