I like every kind of fair
In the crowd, you bet I'll be there!
Walkin' around
Going nowhere
Seeing Sooey and saints at the fair
Siwy and Saints
Davie had a nice BBQ last friday. We ate lots and lots and sat around the fire talking trash and laughing it off. It was a damn fine night, and when I got home I smelt like camping.
This Sat I will be having a Birthday BBQ for Vin and I hope it is just as much fun.
Davies BBQ!
Dave prepping!
Me being...well me.
Davies Outdoor Fishies!!
In my Yard!
My Beebalm made a wicked comeback this year! I can't wait for it to bloom!
I'm going to be able to make so much awesome tea out of that! <333
Other pretties in my yard!
And of course my most favorite pretties in the yard, my Vin and my Samantha.
No really... it's damn hot! I had yesterday and today off from work and all I have done is try and find a way to cool off. I haven't done any cooking, or cleaning, or writing...
At least it's not too hot to play WoW :P
On the anime front
What the hell happened at the end of Kurenai??? It was my hopeful for this season and then right when they were at the point where it should all come to a head... they dropped it flat. I mean, the build up was perfect! They didn't even give us an affirmation of emotions... It's almost like they decided to build us up and give us nothing, which I could get behind under the right circumstances, but in this case it just felt like they gave up.
I can only hope that Blade of the Immortal will be a shining star this year...
Guess we'll just have to wait and see.