Jul 05, 2005 01:29
i missed ihop today.
ballz and a half.
yeah fourth of july was rather uneventful.
i went to chelsea's work and said that we were lesbian lovers and grabbed her ass to make it more believeablelet's just say i know chelsea in the ...dun dun dun!
...publicly at least...
then we went to el JP's to watch the el fireworks we went up on his el roof and JP and I decided fireworks are kind of boring well not when you're right up in their grilll piece but on his roof with a stupid mother bitching piece of fuck tree in the way.
yeah and then we hung out at JP's and i was anxious and shizzle
and then chelsinator jenerator and I walked dwn the road to se if traffic was any better
then we were liek fuck the bullshit
and left jen had to be home at 12 and chelsea was going to some party and i was liek whoa fuck that
so then chelsea and i went to taco bell and then to my house where she took a massive shit. BAHAHHAHAHAAHA.
and then she left to partake
and i am here and i'm cool with thtat because tomorrow night will soon be here
the end
that was the weirdest entry ever
oh well if you don't liek it then derrilique my ballz!
:) <3cameronwillowbryant