What the hell...

Jul 31, 2004 10:50

This mornign im sitting here minding my own business on MSN, this chick signs in and says 'Hi baby why havent you called me?' And then I remeber that this chick has a boyfriend who has an almsot identical e-mail address to me, so I try to explain that to her, but she wont bite and says 'we can work through this' Then she says she has to go and that I should call, so I managed to convince her that I forgot her phone number, so now I have this random chicks mobile number and I think just to see who the hell this is meant to be, i tihnk i'll call it later.

Heres the log for a bit of proof.
Date Time From To Message
31/07/04 10:41:24 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam hey babe
31/07/04 10:41:26 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam how are ya hottie
31/07/04 10:41:41 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) you got the wrong cam again
31/07/04 10:41:53 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam babe its me (cass)
31/07/04 10:42:10 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) i know
31/07/04 10:42:19 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam your gf
31/07/04 10:42:41 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) 8-)
31/07/04 10:42:50 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) ok my address is cam_is_a_champ@hotmail.com
31/07/04 10:42:58 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) your bf's address is cameron_is_a_champ@hotmial.com
31/07/04 10:42:58 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam yes i no
31/07/04 10:43:17 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam cam fuk u we are ova! u always say that ur email
31/07/04 10:43:39 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam ok got ittttttttttttttt
31/07/04 10:43:49 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) no need to get shitty now, just trying to explain that you get me and your boyfrined mixed up
31/07/04 10:44:00 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam ummm u r my bf
31/07/04 10:44:50 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) nope
31/07/04 10:44:53 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam cam
31/07/04 10:44:58 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam we can work thru dis
31/07/04 10:45:15 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) :S
31/07/04 10:46:16 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) please try to understand
31/07/04 10:46:24 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) ive never met you in my entire life, and your really scaring me
31/07/04 10:47:42 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam g2g babe call me 2nite (L) you heaps
31/07/04 10:47:50 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU
31/07/04 10:47:59 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam call me babe love you
31/07/04 10:48:00 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam xxx
31/07/04 10:48:04 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) knob
31/07/04 10:48:22 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam love you babe
31/07/04 10:48:49 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) yeha........whatever
31/07/04 10:48:50 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam (K)
31/07/04 10:48:51 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam call me
31/07/04 10:48:59 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa
31/07/04 10:49:00 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) on the non existent phone numebr i have
31/07/04 10:49:09 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam did you 4get ohhh
31/07/04 10:49:10 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam its
31/07/04 10:49:17 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam REMOVED FOR REASON OF PRIVACY
31/07/04 10:49:26 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam call me baby
31/07/04 10:49:29 AM Cam bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) and what state do you live in again?
31/07/04 10:49:34 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam REMOVED FOR REASON OF PRIVACY
31/07/04 10:49:39 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam msg me k
31/07/04 10:49:40 AM bree comes home in 3 more sleeps:) Cam mwa
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