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Oct 23, 2005 22:28

"Love is the glue that holds together everything in the world"

so that was my fortune from dinner tonight..

anyways i havent really updated about my weekend at alll!

so friday: okay day i guess, i was so glad the week ended. Then i had no money and was really bored. Sorry about elizabethtown. But in the end me chels and ash decided to have a sleepover at like 7 at night, so we go over to chelseas and watch 28 days later..which has the HOTTEST GUY EVER IN IT! It was an awesome movie too, very interesting but really graphic and bloody, but amazing. So we also eat about 10 pounds of candy and brownies too..yeah i felt so sick that night. But hahaha i love us. I havent had a sleepover in so long, and now i know why since we stayed up till 3 and just like passed out. The next morning..haha hilarious. We wake up and eat the rest of the candy, then watch Winning London (yes the mka movie, but you know what I love those movies so shut up) and then chelsea's dad was talking really loud so chels in her sleeping bag is all like god dad! and gets up to talk to him, but instead trips over my bag and falls on the ground making the biggest boom, and all these plastic cups fall over! It was SO FUNNY, i am still cracking up about it. BUt anyways that was basically the only good part on my weekend.

Saturday- came home, watched tv, went online...yep

Sunday (Today)- slept till 12:30, not good, then watched tv, and tried to read. But really i only read about like 30 pages in 90 minutes. LIke how does that happen??? I still have 124 pages left! Its a good book, but it goes by slow and the print is so tiny and cramped together so makes it seem like really slowwww. I kept dazing off and thinking about other stuff, its so hard! Then this week in english too, i have a socratic seminar, which i beyond hate. Id rather do an essay or written test..anything!

But w/e, ill get through it. Lesse what the stars have to say about my life for tomorrow:
Romance may be your prime concern today, but don't forget all the work you have to get done. Take action or you will be sorry you didn't follow through.

hmm..what is up with all the fucking romance shit???
w/e i think the stars are trying to tell me to read my book!

damn it
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