Blade and Blade II

Oct 08, 2023 09:38

I haven't watched Blade in years and never saw the sequels, so it was a treat to watch these two back to back. I just have to track down Blade: Trinity and I'm done!

It amazes me what solid comic book movies both are before the MCU took off. And only now I realize how much Blade and The Matrix have in common, and thanks to the Internet, I'm not alone in noticing similarities. The "world is not real!" angle isn't as pronounced in Blade but it is there.

Blade II, directed by Guillermo del Toro right as his career was taking off, is an excellent sequel, taking the action abroad to Prague. This movie had a huge video game feel, particularly the sewer scenes.

It's unfortunate that Wesley Snipes' career was derailed by his tax problems. His career as an action star was on a fantastic trajectory and then...dang!

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