New on my craft shelf

Dec 26, 2022 12:03

x-posted to craftgrrl and books

I added two new books to my craft bookshelf this month, Amazing Circular Weaving and Weaving On A Little Loom.

Buying craft books can be a little iffy, so I'm happy to recommend them. Both have good, clear photos, and instructions not only for the projects, but for those new to weaving. You'll be able to get up and running with successful results in no time.

Although I took a class at art college on weaving with a four harness loom, I couldn't master it at all and it left me feeling like I'd never weave again. Turns out I have a lot of enthusiasm for little looms. TBH, anything can become a loom as long as you have something to hold the warp threads. It could be a tissue box, a piece of cardboard or a scrap of wood :-)

books, crafts

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