ACAD310 - Attack of the Mondays!

Mar 08, 2021 11:09

I thought I was presenting my homework today, but it turns out that it's next week. My instructor had computer problems and it shifted everything by a week. However, that didn't stop my brain from spinning out of control.

I was legit flailing around in bed this morning because I had a dream that I was back in junior high, taking a test about comic books. You had to draw a comic and answer short answer questions. The comic I drew had two My Little Ponies in it. During the exam, there was a guy who would not shut up and it was annoying me.

I handed my test in, but once I left the classroom, which was in my high school, of all places, I realized that I hadn't answered half the questions. I went back inside and asked the teacher, who turned out to be Gillian Anderson, for me test back. She had to really think about it and I saw that she had already marked it. Yikes!

She gave me the test back and I sat back down to answer it, but I couldn't remember some of the answers, PLUS the answer spaces had been blacked out with marker. I don't know how the dream ended because I woke up flailing. Oh poor brain! It has too much to think about.

dreams, acad

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