now is a good time to make suggestions!
She's female, beige and white, and has an interesting marking on her back that kind of looks shaped like south America
She's currently in quarantine in my room for 2 weeks. I don't want to make the same mistake i did when i bought Mayhem years ago. May had made my hairless rat sicky with her own sicky. Cost me 40 to treat if I recall. And before a 7 dollar rat had the sniffles.
This will help me socialize her a little too while she's alone. She doesn't seem interested in doing anything but staring listlessly and sleeping. She won't bite, but she obviously dislikes contact. She freezes up. The nick in her ear and behavior tells me she wasn't handled kindly by the breeders or other rats.
BTW, farkers have suggested the following names:
click here for more pictures of the new dumbo ratI anticipate better suggestions from my friends :P
baby blue sim catseye rosary with a very snazzy baroque cross, and it took me ten minutes to make.. and like.. a million years to nitpick over
Hope Ryan's baby blue hearse finds it pleasing.
Shinies in there too