Interested in a Harvest Moon Big Bang?

Mar 31, 2015 22:49

Hey, all! It’s pretty late in the evening, so first off, let me start with the disclaimer that this is NOT an April Fool’s joke; I just have bad timing. Anyway, I have been thinking very seriously about attempting to run a Harvest Moon Big Bang event this year. For the uninitiated, Big Bangs are fandom events where an author and artist are paired up to create a short, illustrated fic. Everything is done secretly between the team until their post date. The tentative time frame would be:
  • Authors start things off and write one Harvest Moon fanfic. Late-May through June and late-July.
  • Artists claim stories and draw one accompanying piece of traditional or digital art, or fanmix. Late-July through August and late-September.
  • (NOTE: Author and Artist dates may be switched- a Reverse Big Bang- if the responses from the poll below swing heavily in that direction.)
  • Posting of content starts late-September and continues (one team per day) until there’s no more content.
What do you think? Is this something you’d be interested in participating in? Please fill out my poll if so and share with anyone you think may be interested! Based on the responses, I’ll have more information, confirmation, and details in late April/early May. ^_^


EDIT: So it turns out that there is already an HMBB in the works, coincidentally very similar in tone and schedule! We even posted on the same day! And since there is no benefit to running a competing Bang, I’m gonna gracefully bow out here. If you are interested, though, you should go check out the hmbigbang tumblr; sign-ups have already opened! ^_^

Thanks to everyone who voted on my poll! ::hugs::

harvest moon, !2015, links!, lu-cha

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