Getting there!

Nov 18, 2007 21:03

Step one, learn about user pics. Check! Thanks

The pic I have finally located and chosen as my first one is a Jayhawk. As an alumna of the University of Kansas, I felt it appropriate, particularly in light of our historic victory yesterday and 11-0 status. Rock Chalk Jayhawk! For those that don't know what I'm talking about, I refer to American football. Usually I don't care at all, because really it's all about the marching band, but honestly, I think hell must have frozen over and pigs are flying all around. Who knew we'd ever be a football school? Too bad I'm not in the band anymore! Talk about your bowl trip! Lucky little duckies.

Step two, Tags. I think I get it. Again, thanks
gilpin25! Now I just have to figure out *what* to tag my randomness when it occurs. For really, this is random, this writing in the LJ thing. I *never* used to, and I'm still getting used to the idea of it. Especially the part where there are people that actually care and read it. Weird.

I am an avid reader, so normally I just lurk about searching out new stories to read in one of my fandoms. Imagine my surprise when it sunk in that I could *review* the stories and *talk* to the authors. Well Duh. Clearly, in some aspects I am not the brightest crayon. Now I've been toying with the idea of writing. I can't say I've never done it at all.... just not successfully. I've no idea where the notebooks that contained my teenaged writing attempts have gone, but I strongly suspect that whatever Han and Leia or Troi and Riker were doing in them is something best left a mystery. Honestly, the only thing I've ever written, finished, and published *anywhere* was a little review to one of
ladybracknell's entries using a review bribe as a prompt. She seemed to think I should give writing a try. I don't know. I would *like* to, but like I say, I've never written anything, not really. I'm not sure where to start.  I think my biggest problems are in the land of plot. I never have any ideas for stories that END. That was my teenage problem. I couldn't end a story to save my life. Thus the many notebooks of long lost rubbish fic. I think maybe I need to start with ficlets from prompts, kind of like my silly little review story. I am, naturally, open to suggestions, should any of you have any.

I suppose I should stop rambling away and think about what I'm going to teach my students tomorrow, or at the very least what I'm going to wear while I do it. Ugh. At least it's only a two day week.
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