
Aug 29, 2020 03:30

Baldo: Tia Carmen doesn't know what her useless folk remedies do until someone is fool enough to test them.

Betty: We end the week with a look at people who got pets in order to relieve the boredom of lockdown.

Breaking Cat News: We start a new arc with Puck being awakened by a mysterious voice.

Dick Tracy: Sam thinks that the eyesore monument is a waste of tax dollars he's obliged to protect. He is a police.

9 Chickweed Lane: We end the week with a look ahead to the future of these two smug and irritating people.

Pibgorn: A wall of text about how women divert men from God. It's the truth. Jesuits said so. Brooke's not a nitwit who doesn't get that people who don't marry, don't have kids and don't run businesses have no business advising people about women, children and the business world.

Wallace The Brave: A hike doesn't go as planned because Wallace kind of forgot how hungry seagulls always are.
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