Mar 05, 2005 21:46

O.k. I think this works now Teri. I'm hoping that the hour+ of time I spent wasn't just in my mind. If so it will be my first posting of any kind on this, wuzzit called, intranet. Isn't that what rock stars put in their hair? Anyway, if you can if fact read this then let me know and I guess we shall go from there. Sweeeeeet.

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Oh, and about that LOTR reference calvinsajammer March 10 2005, 07:15:22 UTC
Of course when I refer to you bohemian, flower-power, Michelle Shocked listening, pitchouli wearing, tree-huggering, Elven speakers I am obviously referring to both the Sindarin and Quenyan camps with that reference. I mean, I wouldn't want to be a total offensive snob and just assume that since Quenya, being the more formalized dialect with obvious roots to the beginning of spoken language on middle-earth, has divine origins it would automatically just assume itself as the default elven dialect. Sindarin functions just as nicely when cussing out a pissed off orc or furry little midget of a dwarf (if the "midget/dwarf" comment is somewhat redundant I am sorry). Besides, the British try to pull that "dialect/accent" shit on us and the Aussies all the time and it pisses me off. I don't care how proper it sounds. You're inbred. Look at your teeth man. If I need to have teeth like that to sound "Proper" then you can call me Dubya. And for the disciplined bastards who speak both Quenya and Sindarin, I take my hot off to you...and then I slap you with it. Jesus man. Go outside. Look at the sun. Its out there you know. Even Tolkien went out to get a goddamn sandwich occassionally. I bet ya he got laid occassionally too. STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER! Once again, I hope I haven't offended anyone. Thank you.


Re: Oh, and about that LOTR reference tlcbird March 10 2005, 19:07:14 UTC
Thanks for makin' me almost bust my spleen laughing, dweezil. ;D

Ow. o.O

Okay, anyhoo, I'll post a thing in my journal to let people know you're on here. Not today though because I've barely slept and I don't think I'd do the introduction justice.

A few things til then:
~ Your bio is, as we say in livejournalspeak: teh brilliant.
John (Paul George and Ringo) 6:9, inDEED. ;D

~ You still need to learn to FRIEND, apparently (hint, hint, HINT).
To friend another LJ user, you click on their name, or otherwise get to their userinfo page.
Toward the top of the page is a little icon that looks like a person. If you hold your mouse over it, a blurb should appear, saying "add this person to your friends list" or whatever. Click on that and follow the prompts. Voilà.


~ Just fyi: you should know that since I've come to lj, my list has grown to include not just Tolkien nuts, but many other kinds of nuts as well. :p And as far as I know, myself and maybe one other person are probably the only ones who fit the hippy-patchouli-wearin' description. Don't wanna disappoint ya there, dingo, but it's just how the hacca shakes sometimes ('hacca' is an elvish word...look it up). :p

Kisses, dahlink.
Mua. :-*

ps: Jeff says hi.
(see icon...that's him at the Ben 'n Jerry's thingy last year on the way home from Phish)


Re: Oh, and about that LOTR reference tlcbird March 10 2005, 20:47:43 UTC
Holy fuck, I also just clicked on your existing Friends View, and the layout you're currently using for it is all yellow and insane. o.O

Just so you know....you can "customize" your journal to look, reasonably-speaking, the way you want it to.
I'm gonna go to the Paid Account station and set you up for a couple months paid so you'll have more options.

Love ya, sweetie. :,)


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