(no subject)

Apr 13, 2006 20:34

Wow, I haven't updated forever...
Whats new?? People... Let me know!!!

I have been working from home doing websites for the last few months. REcent Projects:
and I am going to be redoing this jet propulsion companies site in the next few weeks.

Looks like I might be going to work at NETg http://www.netg.com/ doing web work.
I am filling out the paperwork now. I will be working as a sub contractor. The only thing is
that since I will be working as a sub-contractor they will not take out my taxes, I will have
to do that myself.. Lets see how diligent I will be in that.

Here is my most recent design work:

I am very thankful for sanctification. Looking back even just a few months ago...whew..
I enjoy growing and understanding.. I think about it all the time... It is my desire..
This semester in school has really helped me in that. Philosophy of REligion and History of
Religion are great classes. A lot of insight to the good.

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