Why Does It Have To Hurt So Much?

Dec 03, 2009 18:34

My horse is dead.

Not Bigshot, in that the gods were merciful, as if it had been him it would have destroyed me. I went out to the farm after work and found Merl. Her leg was broken and she was dead. She had been doing so well, no creature deserves that. It's not fair.

I had even bought her carrots...*sobs*

I can't do it anymore. I cannot take any more heartache...Bigshot will be my last horse.

It just hurts...too...much....

Goodbye my sweet, sweet girl...you were dealt one of the worst hands in life, and I can only hope that you find peace now.
Until we meet again across the Rainbow Bridge...
A Beautiful Mare, a Lady whose life was cut much, much too short:
Merlin's Country Lady
April 16, 1994 - December 3, 2009

horse, merle, rl

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