While I'll probably update the journal on the 4th, I wish you all a happy 4th of July just incase packing gets in the way. Speaking of which, I'll be leaving on the 5th to go to College Park for 10 days straight for an Engineering camp. Hopefully it will be at least somewhat fun and interesting as Engineering is one of the few academically geared
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Then a few scenes later Moore is praising Canadians for being able to buy ammunition almost anywhere. A little bit of a contradiction hm?
I thoroughly enjoyed Bowling for Columbine as a documentary, it was good. Just Moore tended to skew things quite a bit. It didn't have an incredible amount of political opinion in it which was good. Although Moore portrays himself as the little man going up against the big corporations (K-mart for instance), whereas he himself is a capitalist, and is getting fat (quite fat as a matter of fact) off of the money he makes with his films.
I find it interesting that you praise Moore for his ability to present his opinion, however when I give my opinion (a rather uninflammatory one at that) that F9/11 is a propaganda film you attack me for my opinion calling me a fucking ignorant conservative.
Propaganda is used to make people believe a certain way, and if its propaganda against something (like anti-nazi and anti-japanese propaganda of the 1940s) it portrays people in the worst light possible. This is the same for F/911, it portrays Bush and the Republican party in unfavorable positions whether these positions are real or appear as such because Moore decides to leave out why the situations are occuring. It attempts to get people to believe the way Moore does, you said it yourself he wants Bush to lose, so he tries to turn public opinion against him, that's propaganda bud.
Did you even bother to watch the trailers on the website I sent you? The guy doesn't really attack Moore except through the title of the movie. Most of it is to show how America is generally a great place to live right now. The other part of the movie is his attempt to get an interview with Moore, who for some reason denies him an interview over and over again. It points out a lot of contradictions in Moore's movies and his public statements.
Moore is hardly a strong and honest voice, he pretends to be the working man's hero. Rather he's as much of a capitalist as any high roller out there. He's making tons and tons of money feeding us his movies. He's milking every cent from the capitalist system possible, the same capitalist system he himself condemns.
I'll tip my hat to the guy though, he's a fantastic director and great at swaying people's opinions and for that I congratulate him. He really does a marvelous job at editing and portraying his views through his movies.
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