It's been so long.

Jun 10, 2007 19:00

Does anyone continue to view this?  I hope so. I have been to another "Christian" community and found more arguing and slamming than anything else. I hope to come here and be refreshed once again.
I want to share something with you all. Something short and simple. And I will try to add more as the days go on. :)

The Unruly Houseguests

by Jeremy Archer

Issue #139 January/February 2004 Discipleship Journal

I'll admit that it seemed quite harmless at the time. However, looking back, it was probably a mistake.

No, let me be honest: it was a mistake.

It started so innocently. I really needed some rest and relaxation. There comes a time in everyone's day, week, month - whatever - when we need some down time, some time for fun. That's when I decided to invite them into my home for the evening.

I'll admit their behavior was a little questionable (but they weren't believers, so I felt I should make allowances). Nevertheless. I enjoyed their company and found them entertaining, so I saw little harm in continuing the relationships. As often happens, their friends and acquaintances also started to join us for the evening.

Many would say I shouldn't have associated with such people. However, those same individuals ignore the fact that Jesus associated with tax collectors and sinners; He came to “seek and save the lost.” After all, each of us has a responsibility to those within our sphere of influence. I must admit that affecting change wasn't my intention when I first invited them over, but it did later cross my mind. It soon became apparent, however, that the influencing was quite strictly one way: them influencing me.

Yet we continued our relationship. In fact, we spent more and more time together and became quite close. I say “we” because my family also started to join in our gatherings.

Sometimes our interactions included such ungodliness that it embarrasses me now to remember it, to remember that I let my own children, in my own house, be part of such things. It's regrettable that so many conversations revolved around drinking, violence, drugs, the occult, sex, theft, lying - you name it. But they were discussed in such an entertaining and justifying manner that I even began to question if they were really wrong.

My house guests' world view also became increasingly influential in our family. They didn't use fancy philosophical words - my friends weren't big on intellectual discussions - but their views on pragmatism, secularism, materialism, and hedonism seemed to grasp my family and me, Before long, I could identify those beliefs in us too.

As time passed, their behavior got worse - much worse. Drug use, obscene gestures, sexual innuendos, partying... more than once, people actually started having sex right in front of us! Of course, I usually put a stop to it before we could see anything. I wish the same were true for the colorful language; you can't stop that until after the damage is done. The more time I spent with them, the more their influence took root in my life. I became so insensitive to their sin that I failed to recognize it for what it was.

Finally, after much soul-searching, I realized it was time to ask my guests to leave. No longer would such behavior be tolerated in my home. I explained the decision to my family. Naturally, they were upset. I assured them that it was for their best and that such things have no benefit for the Christian's life. Hesitantly, they agreed.

Together we turned off the television.
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