Sep 04, 2005 22:04
Right, so last night might actually win as one of the most dramatic nights I have had since my run-in with the cops when I got busted for drinking in high school. The night started off normal enough for me. My boy and I went out for pride weekend (not that I don't go out every weekend). We started off at a drag show, Willy Wonka themed if you were wondering. I was bored, so we went to the bar across the street to dance (the awesome gay bar with a cage called the Casablanca). We weren't there more than ten minutes when we see two guys starting to fight. Jake used to work at the bar, and being in the Navy, feels some sort of responsibility for breaking up fights. He gets in between the two guys and tells them to stop and one of them goes after him. I see the fight start and the other fool is a big old Mexican ghetto mofo. Jake was a competitive kick boxer, so I didnt have any doubt that he could hold his own in a fair fight, however, this fool looked like a gun toteing gangsta. I tried to pull him off, and I thought the other guy's friend was trying to pull him off. Then I hear "beat his ass bitch" and the other fool throws his friend into Jake. After getting back into the fight this fool sucker punches me in the back of the head while I am trying to get Jake off of him. I let Jake go. Jake then proceeded to kick him in the ribs so hard he probably broke at least one, if not multiple. Soon thereafter Jake got punched in the face, then got so pissed he ripped into the guy. He got another crack to the ribs and four good punches to the face. The guy is really hurting this morning. He has two black eyes and, quite possibly, a broken nose. Jake, however, has a bruise on one full side of his face and his eye is swollen shut. All of this for breaking up a fight. Now, as if that wasn't enough, on my drive home I get pulled over.
Keep in mind I had been suckerpunched to the back of the head and was in a lot of pain. The officer pulls me over for, get this, no reason whatsoever. He just wanted to see if I had been drinking. After pulling me over he proceeds to ask me if I had been drinking. I was super irritated because I hadn't, and was like, "Sir, I have had one bottle of water tonight. We went to another bar, he attempted to break up a fight, and then the guy went after him. He is battered and I got sucker punched to the back of the head. Can I please go home." He asked for my license, then told me to go straight home. Whatever, I hadn't been drinking, and as stupid as it is, was super-pissed that I could be pulled over with no cause. To top it off all he did was ask if I had been drinking. No tests or anything. Oh well, I am sure there is more to the story, but I need to go to bed. So tired.