Fic Masterlist

Apr 29, 2020 14:53

Still working on the list. Slow going when reformatting everything for LJ is so fiddly...

Rating: PG
Characters: Sam, Dean, mentions of OCs
Genre: Gen, hurt/comfort, mild horror
Warnings: None to speak of, really, beyond allusions to gore and (very) vague dark themes.
Word Count: tba
Summary: The boys deal with the aftermath of a hunt gone very, very wrong.

Rating: PG
Characters: Dean
Genre: Gen, AU tag to WIAWSNB
Warnings: Character death, sort of. Spoilers to 2x22, but only if you squint.
Word Count: 239
Summary: Alternative ending to the episode 'What Is And What Should Never Be'.

Living Dark
Rating: T (for general creepiness)
Characters: Dean, Sam (briefly) and a whole ton or nasties.
Genre: Gen, horror.
Warnings: Likely to make you cringe at least once. I hope.
Word Count: 2668
Summary: There are things in the dark.

Loose Ends
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel
Genre: Gen, post-Apocalypse AU
Warnings: Contains character death. Sort of. All-purpose darkness and oddity.
Word Count: 1173
Summary: The town is empty, as if there's never been anyone anywhere at all.

Wait For The Ricochet
Rating: T
Characters: Sam, Dean, OC bad guy
Genre: Gen, horror-ish, drama
Warnings: none
Word Count: 42384
Summary: He'd promised to watch out for his brother. He'd promised to save him. Trying to keep his promise might just kill them both when an unexpected and unwanted hunt drags the brothers over the edge.

Route50 05/2009
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, Sam (long distance)
Genre: Gen, shamless sick!Dean.
Warnings: None Word Count: 2894
Summary:Dean's sick and alone and driving Route 50 - nicknamed 'the Loneliest Road In America'.

The House of Cards 'verse

State of Grace

1 2 3 4 5 6

Rating: M (for dark-ish themes and several potty mouths)

Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, OC bad guys, John

Genre: Gen, horror, angst-up-the-wazoo

Warnings: Aforementioned angst, but other than that... set in Season 4, so spoilers until then.

Word Count:21460(approx)

Summary:When Dean disappears, Sam is plunged into a desperate race to find his brother before he pays the price in a deathly game with a long forgotten past.

The Darkness Before The Dawn

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Rating: M (for many potty mouths.)

Characters: Sam, Dean, OCs good and bad and... other.

Genre: Gen, angst,horror, drama

Warnings: See State of Grace above

Word count: 49396 (approx)

Summary: Finding a way home is only the beginning. Trying to deal with the aftermath of the revenants' attack, the Winchesters find themselves in over their heads when a simple hunt turns deadly, with terrifying consequences for them both, and nothing will ever be the same again.


Dog Days
Rating: PG
Characters: Elliot, Hardison, OCs
Genre: Gen, action
Word Count: 1834
Summary: (Fill for 'guns' in the 2011 Fight Bingo.) It was supposed to be an easy job. In, grab the loot and out. Things have gotten complicated.

bobby singer, elliot spencer, dean winchester, alec hardison, fic: leverage, fic: supernatural, sam winchester

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