Singing Each to EachAuthor: Versaphile
Rating: Adult
Word count: 4770
Author's summary: The Master needs, the Doctor submits, the TARDIS is patient.
Characters/pairings: Tenth Doctor/Simm!Master/TARDIS
Warnings: Graphic violence, graphic sex. Look, it's just graphic, okay.
Recced because: I wasn't sure about reccing this for a long time because, well, it's dark, like, really dark. But it also made me cry and cry so I thought that it deserved a mention. I can't stress how dark this fic is enough, so IT'S DARK. There's not a lot I can say about this because every time I read it, it still leaves me gobsmacked. So, I'm going to give you a little quote which will hopefully give you an idea as to just how dark this gets.
Mutual regeneration. Two Time Lords bonded to each other forever, their regenerations forever entwined, their bio-data a helix of six instead of three. An abomination, forbidden forever.
Like everything on Gallifrey, there was even a formal name for it. It was called The First Kiss.
So, yes, you've got that it's dark now. Good. But I hope that doesn't put people off because it is such a wonderful read. It shows just how deep and involved their relationship is, and whilst I enjoy the more humourous fics for this pairing also, I do like endulging myself in something more from time to time.