Rec: Revised Memories

May 27, 2016 08:29

Story: Revised Memories
Author: Gallifrey Immigrant
Rating: all ages
Word Count: 537
Author's Summary: River stops off to help a little girl who lost her teddy.
Characters/Pairings: River Song
Warnings: None

Recced because: This is such an adorable little character piece for River Song, in more ways than one. It gives good insight on her past too, something we rarely see on the show, and I think it's shaped nicely here. I just like the concept of this, and it's so very much like River to not care about the laws of time and space to help out "a little girl". A cute, enjoyable tale.

reccer: paynesgrey, character: river song, type: gen, author: gallifrey immigrant, rating: all ages

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