Tributary, Confluence, Distributary, ForkAuthor:
Nancy BrownRating: Teen
Word Count: 4244
Author's Summary: Four hellos and one goodbye.
Characters/Pairings: River Song, Jack Harkness, the Eleventh Doctor
Warnings: None
Recced because: River and Jack are both travellers through time whose lives have been permanently altered through their association with the Doctor. But what if their lives had also been permanently altered through their association with each other? Expertly woven through time and space, this fic shows us their first meetings, the power of friendship, and the importance of being in the right place at the right time.
Melody is a street kid. She's seen a lot of things too terrible to consider even for her real age, much less for this little body she's growing now. Grown men are bad news for little girls, end of story. Grown men whose whole bodies are an abomination to time and space can go far, far away.