rec: Kiss the Cook by IrishVampire13

Jun 09, 2015 22:43

Story: Kiss the Cook
Author: IrishVampire13
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 2189
Author's Summary: "Please tell me these are actual, proper chicken eggs," Rory told the Doctor, fishing a carton out of the refrigerator. "Earth chicken eggs. I don't want to crack one of these things open and have to fight off a fire-breathing Venusian quail, or something!"
Characters/Pairings: Amy Pond, River Song, Rory Williams, The Doctor (11th)
Warnings: From the Author's Note: " A tiny little smidge of light naughtiness, hardly worth upping the rating for."

Recced because: This fic was posted only a few days ago and it already got my attention. A fun slice of life moment with the Eleventh Doctor and his companions (and cookies!) that is well-written and perfectly captures this TARDIS team.

pairing:11/river song, companion: rory, pairing:amy/rory, type: het, author: irishvampire13, character: river song, reccer: romanajo123, companion: amy, doctor:11, rating: all ages

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