Someone to ListenAuthor: Alienist
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 791
Author's Summary: He does so enjoy assassins.
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (5th), Turlough
Warnings: n/a
Recced because: I... really don't like the first person narrative, so for a story to jump out at me like this, written in the first person, it must be something good. Add to that the fact that Turlough isn't a companion I know well and really it's an unlikely pick. But in contrast to the chipperness of the last rec, this is a very emotion-driven piece, and you're on the edge of your seat. I was holding my breath from the very begginning, because it's always nice to hear the more dangerous side of the Fifth Doctor. You find yourself simultaneously before feeling for Turlough and pitying him; you can see his angle, but you also want the Doctor to survive. The conversation flows, and it feels perfectly real, with interruptions, changes in tone, the works. The ending is very touching, too.