Rec: The Impossible Flirts

Oct 30, 2014 09:58

Story: The Impossible Flirts
Author: LordRebeccaSama
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 4,935
Author's Summary: Captain Jack Harkness and Professor River Song: two people that should never meet, but they do...multiple times across both their timelines. "The biggest flirts in all the universe, and you let them have coffee!"
Characters/Pairings: Other Character(s), River Song, The Doctor (11th), Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato
Warnings: n/a

Recced because: The amount of relationship building that went into every side of this story is frankly astounding. As is the effort that went into characterisation, particularly at different points in each of the character's lives. Everyone is in character, the voices are crisp, and you can really picture the scene. I like how they've managed to seamlessly fill in some of the gaps in River's backstory to make it work, while still referencing little nods in episodes, like A Good Man Goes to War. The fish and chips nod is a pleasure, too! I also like the amount of work that's gone into both the pop culture references (eg. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and into building new planets and species to play around with. Always a plus when there's some of that to add to a brilliant plot.

Another note - sorry that my reccing has been... sporadic. I underestimated the amount of real life that would happen this week and have spent half the week driving forth across the province of Nova Scotia and sewing.

torchwood: toshiko, torchwood: owen, pairing:11/river song, author: lordrebeccasama, type: slash, torchwood: ianto, type: het, reccer: the_redjay, character: river song, doctor:11, pairing:jack/river song, torchwood: gwen, companion: jack, pairing:ianto/jack

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